Truffel (Stunning Sevilla from Double Gold)
Born: 29/02/2020
(Heart of Gold du Bois de la Rayere “Minzah” x Hopes and Dreams from Double Gold “Ivy”)
Health Results:
- HD A
- ED free
- Eyes ECVO (August 2024)
- PRA 1 free
- PRA 2 free
- ICT-A affected
DNA Tests: prcd PRA free, DM free, Muscular Dystrophy GRMD free, RDEB free, NCL free, Osteogenesis imperfecta 3 free
- SJP C (28/08/2021 in Putten and 13/09/2021 in Gieten)
- Duo WorkingTest certificate (01/05/2022 in Heerle)
- Excellent (26/05/2022 KCM of the GRCN in Hoenderloo, judge: Fiona Clarkson UK)
Height: 51 cm
Weight: 25 kg
Truffel was bred by Sandra Britsemmer and Wico v.d. Linden of the kennel from Double Gold. She comes from a litter of 10 pups, and it was a notably calm and uniform litter in terms of appearance and behavior. All the pups show a great willingness to work with their handlers, and many are engaged in gundog training.
As a pup, Truffel was immediately very free and curious, loving to hold things like stuffed animals, and that has always remained the same. When she sees you in the morning, she grabs a stuffed toy and happily greets you with it. From the moment she first saw Olijf (her big non-biological sister), she was completely in love with her, and the feeling is mutual. They love being close to each other and complement each other beautifully. Truffel is a wonderfully relaxed dog in all sorts of situations, whether on a terrace where she lies comfortably at your feet or during gundog training exercises. When it’s her turn for an exercise, she is ready and steady, enjoying working with her handler. We often hear that we make a great team and that she is always fully attentive to her handler. She is super sweet and cuddly and loves to snuggle close. Always cheerful and up for any activity: walking, swimming, training, going to the city, picking up the kids from school, she enjoys everything, and her always-wagging tail shows it. She loves gundog training, and it’s wonderful to see how she uses her natural abilities and how quickly she picks up everything. Before she was 1.5 years old, she had already earned her first gundog diploma. Balance and Coordination training was also perfect for her, helping support her rapidly growing puppy body. She still loves climbing and scrambling over everything and is in great shape. Besides her active side, she is a stable, calm dog who easily takes her rest. Truffel is a fantastic, caring mom for her pups and is very relaxed and loving around them.
You can find more photos and videos of Truffel on Instagram and Facebook.
Health certificates and more can be found here.